We can help you with your educational staff & leaders training needs!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at: info@engaged-learning.com
In French
& English

We specialize in French language training, on-site or virtual. Need a session? Browse our extensive French catalogue here or contact us to discuss your project!

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Events and Training Video Replays

Our team also occasionally hosts online training sessions! 

Tranform Language Learning
Training Video Replays
EngagED Learning

A Conversation About one School’s Inspirational Project to Transform Language Learning

Get a sneak peek at the winter issue of the magazine, where we explore how technology can motivate students in reading, writing, and math, featuring Nicole from Engaged Learning. Also, meet our special guest, Sarah Anne Leroux, an English teacher from Ontario. She shares an inspiring project she undertook with her students to transform language learning, which she details in her article, “Bridging Continents: Canadian and Moroccan Students Connect Virtually,” featured in the latest issue.

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Cybersecurity Essentials for Schools
Training Video Replays
EngagED Learning

A Discussion about Cybersecurity Essentials for Schools

Let’s dive into the vast landscape of cybersecurity in education. In this discussion, our special guests, Caroline Dupuis, education consultant at RÉCIT local, and Julian Taylor, librarian with the English Montreal School Board (EMSB), share their expertise and offer key insights into why cybersecurity is a top priority at EMSB.

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CreaCamp Discovery Gamification Training
Training Video Replays
EngagED Learning

From A to G: A Guide for Gamification in Education

Gamification is an emerging teaching method which is often used to increase student motivation and engagement in the classroom. Come learn about the basis of gamification and how to implement successful gamified resources with your audience. Additionally, you will discover a variety of online resources for gamification to use that can be tailored to your needs. Let’s gamify!

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Apple Accessibility Tools
Training Video Replays
EngagED Learning

Supporting All Students With Apple’s Accessibility Tools

Supporting all of our students in their learning is both challenging and rewarding. We can utilize technology to help our students communicate their ideas in a manner that is efficient, effective and authentic. Apple designs its products with accessibility in mind. Learn how we can leverage the built-in accessibility tools and native Apple apps to help our students learn and share their ideas.

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