Additional References – EngagED Learning magazine, Vol. 2 issue 2 (Winter 2022-2023)

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Here are the references cited in EngagED Learning Magazine, Volume 2 issue 2, Winter 2022-2023.

6 Things You Should Know about Evidence of Learning


Collecting Evidence of Learning


  • Davies, A. 2011. Making Classroom Assessment Work, 3rd Edition. Courtenay, BC: Connections Publishing. 
  • Davies, A., Herbst, S. and Busick, K. (Eds.) 2013. Quality Assessment in High Schools: Accounts From Teachers. Courtenay, BC: Connections Publishing.

Mistakes as a Teaching Tools: What is EVOluation?

Références :

  • Draghici, A. D. (2002). L’erreur, un outil pour enseigner. Les stratégies d’enseignement au collège et à l’université.
  • Toppo, G. (2015). The game believes in you: How digital play can make our kids smarter. St. Martin’s Press. 
  • Connell, J.P. et Wellborn, J. G. (1991). Competence, autonomy and relatedness: A motivational analysis of self-system processes. Dans M. R. Gunnar et L. A. Sroute (Eds.), Self processes and development (p. 43-77). Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Brault-Labbé, A. et al. (2017). Théorie de l’autodétermination et modèle multimodal d’engagement : un pairage prometteur pour mieux comprendre les liens entre motivation et engagement scolaires chez des étudiants universitaires. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée 68, 23-34.
  • Miller, A. (2019). L’«évoluation» : fini les notes, maintenant on apprend! École branchée.
  • “If learning were the objective of schools, they would repeat examinations—after they have been given the first time—to see to what extent mistakes previously made have been corrected”.  Ackoff, R. et Greenberg, D. (2008). Turning learning right side up: Putting education back on track. Wharton School Publishing. P.7.
  • O’Connor, K. (2012). A Repair Kit for Grading: Fifteen Fixes for Broken Grade, Pearson/ERPI.

The Podcast: A Tool for Raising Awareness of Social Issues


Loup, J. (2022, january). Podcast listening in Canada: who’s doing it and how often?, nlogic,


Recording and editing software:

●  Soundtrap

●  Anchor

Bandland for Education :

Uploading tools:

●  Baladoweb

●  Anchor

Visual Notetaking as a Way to Illustrate Learning


Mills, E. (2019). The Art of Visual Notetaking: An interactive guide to visual communication and sketch-noting, Quarto Publishing Group.

4 Uses of Video in an Educational Context

Here are some examples of platforms that may inspire you:
• National Film Board of Canada:
• CBC Kids News:
• Alloprof:
• TedED:
• SCOOP! (École branchée):

Here are some examples of YouTube videos:
• The Action Lab:
• Mind Your Decisions:
• Brandon Washington:
• English with Ronnie:

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