Adapted in English by Valérie Harnois

As part of a series of SCOOP! on COVID-19, today we answer many questions you may have on the changes you have been going through recently. With this short video, and a stack of toilet paper, we know that “we will prevail” and “we will get through this”.

👀 The Context

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The COVID-19 coronavirus causes symptoms similar to those of the flu or pneumonia in some cases. Usually, people infected will have a fever, a dry cough, and fatigue. Difficulty breathing may also be felt. Other than those most common symptoms, some cases include nasal congestion, sore throat and diarrhea. Approximately 80% of infected people will be able to heal by themselves at home. It is also possible to be a carrier of COVID-19 without having any symptoms. This is why physical distancing measures must be observed by everyone, whether they have symptoms or not. 

How can we protect ourselves and others from this disease?

The best and simplest way to protect yourself from the virus is to wash your hands often, with water and soap, for 20 seconds. Then, if you have to leave home, make sure to stay two metres away from other people. Also, avoid touching your face. Your hands may have been in contact with contaminated surfaces while you were at the grocery store or at the pharmacy. The best option is really to stay home and respect the confinement measures explained by the government. You can go out to get some fresh air but it is not a good idea to play or meet with friends during a pandemic. You can make video conferences to see each other but it is forbidden to meet physically. Staying home will save lives. We have to be patient and stick together.

Should young people be preoccupied with COVID-19?

At this point, children and teenagers are less affected by COVID-19 than the rest of the population. Compared to other people infected, they have fewer symptoms and sometimes no symptoms at all. Some hypothesis point toward the immune system of youth which would react more swiftly than adults. Others point toward the respiratory system of youth which would be less affected and contaminated by years of pollution and cigarette.

However, we should not take this pandemic lightly. You have the responsibility to avoid spreading the virus to more vulnerable people by staying at home. You could be a carrier of COVID-19 without knowing and contaminate the people around you who could develop serious complications. Your role is extremely important in this fight; we count on you.

But why do people buy a lot of toilet paper?

Have you noticed, at the beginning of this sanitary crisis, that a lot of people rushed toward grocery stores. Not to buy food but to stock up on toilet paper. What do you think happened there?

According to psychologists, toilet paper is seen by some people as a symbol of security. It is thought to represent hygiene, cleanliness, and the absence of contamination. Other experts say that the action of buying basic commodities (such as toilet paper) would reduce anxiety and would give a feeling of control. 

Where does the “we will prevail” movement come from?

🌈 You have probably seen the rainbow drawings displayed in windows of houses in your area. This symbol of hope, during the COVID-19 crisis, started in Italy and France. A few weeks after, here in the province of Québec, a teacher in the Laurentians created a Facebook page to display children’s rainbows. The idea grew and many Québec families now have this symbol in their window, with the caption “We will prevail”, “We will get through this” or in French “Ça va bien aller”. The Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain bridges also sported the rainbow colours. The Ferris wheel in Old Montreal, the Hydro-Québec logo and many other buildings and businesses show their solidarity in these unforeseen times by using the colours of the rainbow. #WeWillPrevail #WeWillGetThroughThis #CaVaBienAller

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