Category: Magazine Articles

Girls at the Crossroads of Coding and Entrepreneurship

Imagine if all girls reached adulthood with strong coding and entrepreneurship skills.  In a world where technology and business are increasingly converging, this would certainly have the potential to reduce the gender gap in these fields. However, for this to happen, girls need access to inspiring and accomplished female role models to guide them in their professional ambitions.

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Magazine Articles

Video Games as Learning Adventures: Students Create a Game to Learn French

Discover the immersive “Le retour du hibou maléfique” project at La Tuque High School, where students create a video game and epic story in French as a second language class. Embrace creativity and engaging learning experiences beyond traditional boundaries.

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Magazine Articles

Teaching for Tomorrow: The Study’s Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Initiative

Discover how interdisciplinary projects at The Study are reducing student workload, improving motivation, and fostering collaboration among teachers and students. Explore the benefits and challenges of this pedagogical approach and its impact on student engagement and success.

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Magazine Articles

The Buzzing Success of a Kindergarten Beehive: A Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurial Project par Lauren Assi, École Bilingue Notre-Dame de Sion

Explore the industrious beehive project at École Bilingue Notre Dame de Sion. A multidisciplinary entrepreneurial endeavor teaching students about bees, environment, and entrepreneurship. Discover how this project fosters innovation and curiosity.

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