Training Sessions

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Possibilities and Challenges

This conference provides participants with an opportunity to explore the multiple applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. It offers a clear definition of AI, concrete examples of current and future applications, as well as directories of tools and numerous references. Ethical issues, challenges, and limitations of AI in education are also addressed, such as access to quality data, training for educators and learners, social responsibility, and privacy protection. The audience will be able to enhance their teaching practice while becoming aware of the associated issues and challenges.

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Training Sessions

Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom

This workshop is designed to help teachers integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their teaching and foster students’ curiosity about this innovative technology. Participants will become familiar with the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, how it works, and its practical applications. Interactive pedagogical activities will be presented, allowing educators to actively engage their students in learning about AI and raising awareness of its impact on our society. This workshop offers a unique opportunity to develop professional skills in AI while equipping participants with tools to prepare young people for future challenges.

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Training Sessions

Digital Storytelling A-Z using iMovie (iPad) or Adobe Express (Chromebook)

A Digital Story is a powerful Digital Literacy activity for ages 10+, created by weaving digital photographs, video, voice, text and music into a digital video project. A chance to reflect on the self, culture, identity & future goals, this personal narrative documentary workshop provides an easily-accessible opportunity for youth to reflect on their own strengths, culture, responsibilities, and dreams for their future.

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Training Sessions

Introduction to Digital Storytelling using iMovie (iPad) or Adobe Express (Chromebook)

A Digital Story is a powerful Digital Literacy activity for ages 10+, created by weaving digital photographs, video, voice, text and music into a digital video project. A chance to reflect on the self, culture, identity & future goals, this personal narrative documentary workshop provides an easily-accessible opportunity for youth to reflect on their own strengths, culture, responsibilities, and dreams for their future.

Easily adaptable to a multitude of themes and objectives such as Identity, Intergenerational Learning, Community Engagement, Anti-Bullying, or Language & Culture, this hands-on 3-hour Professional Development Digital Literacy workshop helps introduce and inspire educators to learn more about Digital Literacy in the classroom through a fun and engaging storytelling workshop.

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Training Sessions

What is Digital Storytelling, and How Can I Use it in My Classroom?

A Digital Story is a powerful Digital Literacy activity for ages 10+ created by weaving digital photographs, video, voice, text, and music into a digital video project. A chance to reflect on the self, culture, identity & future goals, this personal narrative documentary workshop provides an easily-accessible opportunity for youth to reflect on their own strengths, culture, responsibilities, and dreams for their future.

In this 1-hour Professional Development workshop, educators will learn why Digital Storytelling has been so successful for fostering Digital Literacy and storytelling skills, and how easy this workshop is to implement in their own classroom using devices and tools they already have access to.

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Training Sessions


Podcasts have been increasing in popularity lately, and they have opened up a world of possibilities. This training allows you to discover which podcasts to follow for your professional development, but also how to produce them for yourself and with your students!

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Training Sessions


In the digital age, teachers have all kinds of opportunities to take charge of their professional development and learn at all times. In this workshop, we will see how social media, more specifically Twitter and Facebook, offer education professionals the opportunity to find ideas, resources, strategies and to exchange with colleagues from all over the world!

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Training Sessions


Digital tools can support the acquisition of literacy skills in many ways in the classroom! This training session will explore how to use technology to help students find books, share their impressions of their reading, build a community of readers, learn more about their book preferences, benefit from diversity in their reading choices, keep track of their reading, benefit from accessibility tools to improve their reading strategies and… to encourage reading in general.

We will also discuss different ways to implement these activities in the classroom using digital tools such as e-books, online reading platforms, reading apps and social networks dedicated to literacy.

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Training Sessions


Google for Education tools are designed with accessibility in mind to engage students, help them learn, and allow them to reach their full potential. This workshop will explore the various tools built into the Chromebook that help address unique challenges and diverse learner profiles, so every student can learn at their own pace!

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