How Engaged Learning’s subscription models support districts, divisions and school boards for teachers’ continuing education

Engaged Learning magazine and our team’s additional services offer a variety of subscription models aimed at supporting the continuing education of teaching staff. This article presents the different scenarios chosen by the subscribed school boards, districts and divisions and highlights the advantages they offer to teachers.

Engaged Learning magazine and our team’s additional services offer a variety of subscription models aimed at supporting the continuing education of teaching staff. These subscriptions offer access to a variety of educational resources, online training, and practical tools.

This article presents the different scenarios chosen by the subscribed school districts and divisions and highlights the advantages they offer to teachers.


Engaged Learning magazine is considered one of the most accessible professional periodicals for teaching in the digital age due to its colourful pages, concrete examples, and good level of popularization. That’s why so many school districts and divisions demonstrate their leadership in the area of continuing education for teachers by offering it to all their staff members. It is interesting to note that the digital subscription also includes the French language edition, L’École branchée.


Education services of school districts and divisions recognize the importance of valuing the work of their techno-pedagogical leaders by offering them access to varied and flexible continuing education. That’s why many of them have opted for subscriptions that combine Engaged Learning magazine with other services such as the CréaCamp Discovery (CCD) training series or the inexhaustible activity ideas from the SCOOP! collection.

Common subscription scenarios include:

  1. Online magazine subscription for all staff + 1 print copy for each school: This model offers all teachers easy and privileged access to the content of Engaged Learning magazine online, thus promoting their professional development. Each school also receive a print copy to help communication and can add more if needed. 
  2. Per-school subscription: If the district or division cannot provide access to all its staff members, individual schools can also subscribe to the online version and get one print copy of each issue and add more if needed. 
  3.  Of course, teachers could also choose to subscribe individually to the print and digital versions. 

Additional options for French immersion and bilingual schools:

  1. Schools and divisions can also add a membership to our CréaCamp Découverte (CCD) online training series for all staff: This formula extends the magazine subscription to include online training and over a hundred video replays on various topics, in French. Teachers thus benefit from a combination of educational resources and professional development opportunities.
  2. Finally, some school districts and divisions have opted for a comprehensive subscription that includes the magazine, CréaCamp Découverte (CCD) training series, and SCOOP! collection, which offers over 500 activity guides to inspire classroom activities supported by digital tools. This holistic approach meets the diverse needs of teachers by offering them complete access to a variety of resources.


Subscriptions to Engaged Learning services offer numerous practical and pedagogical benefits for teachers within the school districts and divisions:

  1. Auto-login Link: Subscribed institutions benefit from the option of an auto-login link, which can be integrated into a secure Web portal, thus facilitating access to resources for all staff.
  2. Usage Statistics: Subscribed school districts and divisions can receive detailed statistics on the consultation of resources by their staff, allowing them to track the usage and impact of content on their educational team.
  3. Support during training days and staff meetings: Engaged Learning offers personalized support during training days or staff meetings. This allows the presentation and introduction of resources to which teachers are subscribed, thus promoting their optimal use.

Engaged Learning’s school district level subscription models are designed to offer comprehensive support for the continuing education of teachers, specialists, and leaders. By providing subscriptions that include access to the magazine, online training, and additional support resources, they aim to cater to the varied needs of school staff, while fostering their professional development. In providing these diverse and flexible resources, school districts and divisions acknowledge the importance of supporting their staff, and Engaged Learning has emerged as a valuable partner in their pedagogical journey.

Want to know more?
Join us on August 28th at 11AM ET for a live online event where our team will provide an overview of the options and services we offer. Reserve your spot quickly!
You can also schedule a presentation with our representative, Nicole. Click here
Don’t hesitate to write to us to know more about any service or get a personalized quote!

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Special budget measures for Quebec schools

In the province of Quebec, budget measures grouped under the number 15080 specifically concern pedagogical and digital development in schools. Those that apply more directly to the services of Engaged Learning are:

Measure 15082 – Digital Educational Resources

It aims to fund the acquisition of digital educational resources to support teaching, learning, and assessment for all learners, and contribute to the development of 21st-century skills among students (e.g., subscriptions to platforms or annual licenses). The subscription to SCOOP! can be part of it.

Measure 15084 – Continuing Education of School Staff on the Pedagogical Use of Digital Technologies

It aims to support the professional development of school staff in general education for youth, adult education, and vocational training through continuous training activities on the pedagogical use of digital technologies.

The allocations can be used to:

  • Free up teaching staff to participate in continuing education activities;
  • Cover the costs of training activities in which school staff participate

It’s the ideal measure for subscribing to the magazine and the CréaCamp Découverte training series.

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EngagED Learning

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