Category: Magazine Articles

Magazine Articles

Doing it Right in the Online Classroom

Unleashing the potential of online education requires effective pedagogy and engagement. This article discusses the advantages, challenges, and opportunities of online learning and emphasizes the importance of fostering cognitive and affective engagement for optimal learning outcomes.

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Magazine Articles

10 Strategies for Effective Teaching

Current research highlights strategies for effective teaching. This article suggest 10 interesting strategies for improving classroom learning, such as daily review, fragmented content, frequent questions, models, guiding practice, checking understanding, high success rates, scaffolding, independent practice and spaced retrieval.

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Magazine Articles

Teaching Reading Strategies to Adapt to the Needs of Today’s Students

Language teachers are important for teaching literacy, but literacy is equally valuable in all subjects. Common strategies make learning meaningful, from basic literacy to disciplinary literacy. We’ll look at effective strategies for teaching them.

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Magazine Articles

Plan, Interact and Consolidate: An Effective Method to Promote Learning for All Students

Discover explicit teaching, a pedagogical approach based on cognitive psychology, which maximizes learning time and promotes success for all students, including those in difficulty. A practice to be integrated into our classrooms.

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Magazine Articles

At the Montessori School of Lund, Sweden: An Effective Transdisciplinary Pedagogy that Combines Innovative and Traditional Approaches

Discover the innovative and effective learning methods used by the teaching team at the Montessori bilingual school in Lund, Sweden. A holistic approach that fosters creativity, problem-solving and the development of critical thinking skills. Not to be missed!

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