Category: Magazine Articles

Magazine Articles

4 Ways to Include Technology into Arts Class

Despite the apparent contradiction, art and technology can coexist! It is possible to show appreciation or produce a work of art thanks to a variety of solutions. Various platforms and tools are accessible for free depending on the intended use. Here are a few techniques for enhancing arts education with digital technology.

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Magazine Articles

Year-round Open Houses at School Thanks to Technology

Aside from email, there wasn’t much technology available when my daughter was in elementary school that allowed me to peek into what she was learning. I did, of course, sign a lot of assignments and evaluations on paper. My daughter brought projects home, which gave me a glimpse of some of her progression. During school visits or parent meetings, I had little insight into what was going on in class and the activities she was a part of with her classmates.

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Magazine Articles

The Final Note: Various Ideas For Creative Subject Assessments

Whether you teach languages, mathematics, arts, sciences, ethics, social studies or physical education, there are various ways to assess students’ progress besides regular quizzes, dictations or written tests. Nowhere in modern curricula is it requested from teachers to use those as the sole means of evaluation. Let’s get creative and try ideas gathered by educators from Sir Wifrid Laurier School Board.

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Magazine Articles

How to Knit: A Template for Digital Competency

The LEARN Pedagogical Services team, with some local RÉCIT collaborators, have been throwing around ideas to better understand the Digital Competency Framework (DCF). They have been drilling down into the 12 dimensions and trying to articulate their place within respective subject areas. it applies to a hobby, craft or leisure activity. Here’s one example.

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Magazine Articles

Reconciling Teaching Practice with Evidence-based Data

Educational research is a very dynamic field. A lot of action research and increasingly more collaborative research (which means that classrooms are welcoming research teams) is occurring everywhere. However, the results do not often leave the inside of the walls of universities and research centres so that it can be applied in schools. This is not because of lack of interest in doing so, but mostly because there is a reluctance and a fear of dogmatism.

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Magazine Articles

“Augmented” Peer Feedback for Learning Purposes

The PÉRISCOPE network, which has been holding panels about the inequalities and inequities exacerbated by Covid-19 since the spring of 2020, is interested in peer feedback as a promising course of action. Feedback is provided when one person provides information to another to help them better understand, behave better, or progress in an activity. What we mean here by “augmented feedback”, is feedback given verbally or in writing, supported by a digital tool during a learning and evaluation situation (LES).

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Magazine Articles

How Can Teachers and Parents Promote Students’ Digital Literacy Skills?

Teachers and parents play a crucial role in helping young people to develop the foundational digital skills and social practices that enable them to become critical readers, writers, and participants in a complex world where digital technologies shape how we think, understand and interact. Here are three strategies that teachers and parents can use to support digital literacies learning.

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Magazine Articles

“Projet Premiers Peuples” : A realistic, multidisciplinary … and digital initiative!

Reconciling multidisciplinary learning and the integration of digital productions in partnership with pre-service teachers, is what sixth-grade elementary school teacher Jean-François Mercure and Professor Séverine Parent accomplished during the winter of 2022.

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