Category: News about us

News about us

Fall 2022 Issue: Spotlight on Research – When Digital Supports Educational Practices

Education research and the importance of enhancing experiential knowledge based on evidence-based data to guide pedagogical practices and assess the effectiveness of interventions have never been more widely discussed. For this issue, Engaged Learning Magazine reached out to research teams (particularly in educational technology) to share and shed light on recent findings where learning is supported by the use of digital tools.

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News about us

Spring 2022 Issue: A guide for developing computer programming and robotics skills at school 

Robot bees on the ground, programming competitions to solve problems, algorithm debates, class-scale simulation of Perseverance on Mars, designing a solar lamp… More and more schools are integrating computer programming into their learning activities. But beyond the novelty and the source of motivation that computer programming offers to students, how do you successfully introduce it as a learning activity?

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